Two Harbors to San Diego


Our trip to Two Harbors was uneventful, we motored all the way the only excitement was the large pool of dolphins that came around to play for a while.
Our stay on Two Harbors and Avalon was great, warm weather during the daytime with fairly cool evenings. Kip & Paul did some snorkeling. Water temperature was around 68 degrees. The town was fairly quiet only a handful of boats in the harbor.

Very few boats anchored
We met a few people from Vancouver Canada who were on there way to Mexico also. They told us there is a fleet of over 20 boats which left Vancouver. It turns out Frank and Gisela on Shared Dreams know my friends Dorine and Russ who also own a Jeanneau sail boat which they live aboard on Granville Island downtown Vancouver.

I get to drive

The short trip to Avalon went quick, no wind at all. It's usually hard to get a mooring in Avalon in the peak of summer but this time of year there are lots to choose from. It was strange to have the harbor patrol ask us if we had a preference to where we wanted to be.

We enjoyed Avalon for a few days, Paul went for a long hike while Kip and I just strolled around town and enjoyed a good bowl of chowder on the pier. Kip and Paul enjoyed some snorkeling while I enjoyed staying aboard, to cold for me.

Kip & I in Avalon
Great sunrise Early morning departure and we're on our way to San Diego to hook up with the Baja Ha Ha group. Kip and I sailed out of Avalon while Paul slept. A few miles out Paul took the helm while Kip & I rested. Paul & I saw a great sunrise.

I always enjoy pulling into the San Diego Bay there is always a lot of activity. We had to wait in line at the fuel dock. The Harbor Patrol and the Coast card were ahead of us. We pulled into a very tight slip at the Sun Road Marina where we stayed for four days and met a lot of the
Baja Ha Ha cruisers. We had a great view of the San Diego shore line at night.

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San Diego Shore